What is homologation and why is it so important?

What is homologation and why is it so important

Automotive homologation is the process of certifying a particular component in a vehicle or the whole vehicle itself, to comply with all the requirements. It is mandatory to get this approval to export automobile products or components. 

This means that prior to car sales, automotive components should necessarily have approvals according to the official standards of their destination countries. Homologation standards are applicable to all kinds of automobiles especially in the areas of environment and safety. 

Why Navco International?
OEM’s face a lot of challenges to enable safe market introduction. Navco will unburden you. We ensure that the product has been fully tested according to all guidelines, and is provided with all approvals and /or certificates.

AUTOMOTIVE RULES made major increasements throughout the globe

Automobile manufacturers handle these standards, with the aim of improving active and passive car safety and environmental protection. The number of rules and norms applying to automobiles has made major increasements throughout the globe. Navco International and their component suppliers have to keep up with these updated regulations in order to support the car importers and local manufacturers. 

Product Compliance and Homologation goes hand in hand

But of course it all starts with a good product! If the product itself is not made out of solid materials and tested to outstand in practical usage, it will also result in a bad influence on the homologation of the vehicle and it could even bring the car importer in a bad daylight. On the other hand: if a good quality part is installed incorrect in the vehicle, consumer safety can no longer be guaranteed. That explains why Product Compliance and Homologation go hand in hand.  

More than supplying a product that only meets all the EU regulations

That is what Navco International stands for: supply a product that not only meets all the current EU regulations but more than that; practical tests are sometimes needed to see if the quality will also maintain over a longer period of use in different circumstances. But also in all different regions; it makes a huge difference if a car drives in Greece or in the outmost Northern parts of Norway. 

Safety, in combination with the comforts and conveniences of modern technology.

Navco has the knowledge and experience to support their customers to make sure that once the car will be delivered to the end consumer, we guarantee safety, in combination with the comforts and conveniences of modern technology. So because  this continuous process in the world of Automotive, you need to keep your eyes wide open all the time!  

We are full of energy to contribute in this!

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