Why offering Special Action Models

8 Reasons for offering SAM’s

1 Regardless the moment in the product life cycle of a vehicle, it’s always a good moment to work on Special Action Models and accessory packages to create the perfect solution for your customer.

2 Consumer technologies are developing much faster than development and introduction of new vehicles. So if you want to have latest technology available for your customer, develop it for your local market.

3 The aftermarket revenue model is changing. More technology is being adapted by car brands. For example electric vehicles have huge impact on your aftersales and parts business.
So these changes ask for a new way of thinking. What about your accessory business as revenue stream within your aftersales activities.

4 Maybe you miss specific functionalities in a vehicle which are mandatory because of regulations (like ADAS systems). Providing these specific solutions will make vehicles fit official regulations.

5 Offering innovative, attractive and maybe even exclusive solutions will give you a better positioning of your brand compared to your competitors.

6 When you introduce a specific model or solution with a good basic volume, it’s easier to get everybody aligned, enthusiastic and to kickstart your business.

7 Customers want more and more personalization. So make the vehicle unique!

What are your current thoughts on a new Special Action Model? How fast do you want to introduce it?

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