Design thinking: the road to innovation

Design thinking is crucial

We are living in the modern era of the automotive world. One where customers are constantly seeking out the best vehicles and machines that are equipped with the latest technologies and tuned in to various streams of information. Customers are increasingly impatient yet also demand a steadily higher standard of sophistication.

To keep innovating in a way that is relevant to your customers' needs, design thinking is crucial. Design thinking is a methodology that revolves around keeping the customer's needs in mind at all times whilst strategically driving innovation in such a manner as to meet those specific needs. Plus balancing these innovations in such a way as to keep them both technologically feasible and economically viable. It is important to keep the needs of both stakeholders and customers in mind while working with the information and powers at your disposal. 

Four vital steps

Aside from keeping the customer at the heart of the creative process, design thinking is also a collaborative effort that thrives on integrating multiple points of view. Focusing on the future instead of merely considering the way things work in the present. Sounds straightforward, but how does it work? Design thinking is a process that follows four vital steps: analyzing the problem, designing the solution, implementation and the evaluation of the solution. It is an iterative process.

First of all you must pinpoint the problem; what is the problem, how did it arise and when does it occur? Once the problem has been clearly defined we proceed to the co-creation phase. It is important to look at the problem from multiple different perspectives. Seeing the problem in a different light can help you to determine the best approach towards developing the most suitable innovative solution. Finally, the implementation and evaluation phases will serve you well by providing valuable insights for future projects. The cycle of learning and development never ends! 

Examples of solutions produced through design thinking: 

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