Why cameras are better than mirrors

Why cameras are better than mirrors

Safety becomes increasingly important in high density traffic dynamics.  
One of the big reasons why the physical mirrors on a bus or truck more often is being replaced by cameras and an electronic rear-view mirror (E-Mirror). It eliminates driver blind spots, provides a greater field of view and improves safety for everyone on the road… Day and Night.

The main advantages of E-Mirrors
- Increase Safety
- Enhance comfort
- Is a cost-effective investment
- Additional functionalities

Increase Safety

The E-Mirror provides the driver a clear view of the blind areas near the vehicle. In contrast with a conventional mirror system on the outside of the cabin, an electric/digital mirror  always has a perfect view. The view of the screens is free of reflections and dirt.

By using high specific camera’s the view reaches till the end of the trailer or bus when cornering. The dangerous "blind spot" on the passenger side can easily be avoided.

In some situations even a slight adjustment of the seat position is enough to create a "blind spot" on the passenger's side. This is because with a conventional mirror, the driver's line of vision is always defined by the formula "angle of incidence equals angle of deflection".

The "blind spot" problem no longer exists with E-Mirror because the displays always show the same camera image.  Regardless of the angle from which the driver looks at the monitor. And in case of doubt, it will give a warning.


In busy city traffic with lots of cyclists, pedestrians and parked cars  there is a big risk of collision with a stationary or moving object. That is why it is comfortable to have a visual and an acoustic warning in the area on the right-hand side of the bus or truck.

By removal of the traditional exterior rear-view mirror the turning radius of the bus which reduces the length of the bus. The turning radius of the bus is greatly reduced, and the driving flexibility is improved. Reversing around corners is made easier. The E-Mirror assists the driver when reversing and the display then changes to a special manoeuvring view.

A cost-effective investment

Due to the compact size and aerodynamic design of the outside camera you will save on fuel.  All of this contributes to a substantial reduction in the total cost of ownership.

A good view prevents damage and accidents, and therefore reduces costs.

The big conclusion: vehicles must offer fully safety and all working comfort to make work as pleasant and safe as possible. Beside this E-Mirror maybe you are missing some other innovations in your vehicles? We are always eager to hear about your own ideas and finding ways with which to make them a reality!

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