Why you need a camera on your car or machine


Everyone knows how uncomfortable it can be trying to back up a vehicle for any extended distance. A Reversing Camera can make this process a whole lot easier and far less stressful!

What are some of the factors that affect visibility from within your car? Achieving full 360° awareness from inside of your vehicle can be difficult due to the shape, bodywork, mirrors, driving position or window sizes. The rise of modern parking sensors and cameras are alleviating some of these factors and making things easier than ever before. Parking your car in crowded places or maneuvering it through something like a three-point-turn is made exponentially more difficult if you are unable to accurately judge the distances from the front or rear end of your car. Low sitting objects or something blocking clear visibility from your rear window can also prove problematic. 


From the front seat of your vehicle or machine you are often dealing with a restricted view due to your load. You will probably be able to relate: the mast is blocking your view or the load/cargo is stacked tall to the point of it becoming difficult to tell at a glance whether everything is still safe and secure. A camera can offer a perfect solution to these type of problems, and offers many advantages that contribute to overall comfort. Such as a healthy ergonomic position as well as easier maneuvering in general! While a mirror is already a big step up from having to hang out of the windows of our cars, why not take it a step further and make use of a camera as well?

1. Increased visibility. The big one!
2. Being able to work faster and more efficiently.
3. Easier and quicker parking.
4. The use of a camera helps prevent damage or accidents. No more blind spots.
5. A cost-effective investment.


Cameras can provide you with spatial awareness that goes beyond that which is offered through a conventional mirror. Helping you in avoiding accidents or causing damage to your vehicle. Another practical benefit is that the view of the screen is always optimal, and is spared from the reflections or dirt that might hinder your view into the surface of a mirror.

Do you work in environments that see a great deal of pedestrian traffic? People on foot are always some of the most vulnerable traffic participants, and don't always see or hear an approaching vehicle. Small children in particular can be difficult to spot and they are often oblivious to the risks that vehicles pose; acting in unpredictable ways. A properly aimed camera can eliminate any risk of blind spot accidents, and drastically increase safety for both yourself and others on the road.

Increased safety

A camera that is mounted atop of the cabin of a large machine can also greatly increase your spatial awareness. When aimed somewhere that is typically out of your usual line of sight, such as the forks, roof, mast or boom of an excavator. In so doing you expand your field of view to a maximum. From the screen inside of your cabin you will be able to closely monitor your surroundings, all without so much as having to get up from your seat.

In these ways a camera can help you prevent accidents or damage to your goods, as well as generally being able to work more efficiently.


Drivers and operators of large machinery that spend long periods of time behind the wheel every single day need to be mindful of their posture to prevent strain or neck and back injuries. When your visibility is poor you will often resort to all manner of systematically unhealthy movements without even realizing it. You stretch, squirm and frequently turn your head in an effort at being able to see more. With a properly mounted camera system you are able to stay seated in a position of comfort as you work. All while still being able to see everything that you need to.

A cost-effective investment

A camera system prevents damage and accidents, and therefore drives down costs. And because having a camera system also increases productivity, it will eventually pay for itself.

The ergonomically positioned monitor allows drivers to adopt a natural viewing position, which means they spend less time looking up or down at an unnatural angle. Leading to the neck and shoulder muscles being under far less strain. This translates into fewer neck & shoulders related injuries and fewer sick days being taken. Which leads to a net gain in terms of health, wellbeing and productivity.

On top of this, the increased awareness that a camera system affords drivers means that they save time during their work and operate their machines more efficiently. It has been shown that Machine operators using a camera system can work up to twice as fast as those that do not.

In conclusion

In conclusion? Having a camera system is simply super comfortable! It expands your field of view, enhances your spatial awareness, helps prevent accidents, promotes a good posture and better ergonomics and is easy to install. After having used a camera system you will never want to go back to working without one again!

Also check out our blog:  Why cameras are better than mirrors

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