How Navco moves you through the semiconductor crisis

The semiconductor crisis

The high demand for semiconductors within the automotive market due to global shortages is common knowledge at this point. Today we would like to call your attention to some actions you can take in the short term. Besides that we will focus on fundamental long term solutions that will allow us to avoid such crises in the future.

Near term solutions: avoid line stoppage

One of the cases we worked on for the past months was originated by a forced production stop for vehicles given the fact that there was no availability on infotainment systems. However, due our short development lead times and reliable manufacturing partnerships we were able to get the solution ready within projected timeframe. We have even managed to improve upon the original model by integrating additional functionalities such as wireless AppleCarPlay & Android Auto. We responded quick and accurate to the worldwide crisis and offering this solution prevented line stoppage at our partner.

Long term solutions: risk mitigation in the future

A proactive, flexible and reliable supply chain is proving itself more important than ever before in light of recent events. Your commodity management and supply chain is something that needs to be kept a close eye on, so surround yourself with partners that are able to help you out both now and in the future.

Let's team up

We are happy to discuss how we as Navco International can help make the difference in these difficult times.